Breastfeeding Round-up :: Part I



In case you missed it, World Breastfeeding Week was August 1-7. Our Sister Sites put together some fabulous resources to help spread awareness for breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping… you name it, our network of moms covered it!

Through their stories of breastfeeding, trying to breastfeed and choosing not to breastfeed, moms across the country could relate and find encouragement as other moms navigated through similar situations as themselves.

Alamo City Moms Blog >>

alamocityThe Booby Whisperer: 5 Nursing Secrets I Learned From Experience

The breastfeeding learning curve is steep. A new mother must learn to read her baby’s hunger cues and her body’s own signals. Both mother and baby must figure out the shared mechanics. All of this is set against a backdrop of little sleep, the other work of caring for a newborn, and the pressure to establish a nursing relationship before that physiological window closes. It’s a recipe for frustration and (let’s be honest) tears.

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Austin Moms Blog >>

austin-moms-blog-a-guide-to-breastfeedingA Guide To Breastfeeding: Everything You Ever Needed To Know

A new mother must make so many decisions before the baby even arrives, but one of the most important decisions you will make is whether you will breastfeed or bottle feed.
I know there are some medical and physical reasons a mother might not be able to, but if you don’t fit into that category, please read…

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Burlington Moms Blog >>

EASY-SNACKS-breastfeedingYummy Easy Snacks for Breastfeeding Mamas

When I had my daughter over four months ago, I was so focused on caring for her and making sure every one of her needs was met, I completely forgot about myself. Hormones right after birth are hard enough, add on not enough sleep, food, or water and I was flirting with disaster. A friend of mine who is a doctor came to visit a week or so after Caroline’s birth and she helped me create essentially a nursing station around my couch (where I was spending all of my time). She encouraged me every morning to put healthy easy snacks and plenty of water within arm’s reach so that I didn’t have to go out of my way to eat or drink. It was a simple idea, but for me made a world of difference. It was like a lifeline.

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Des Moines Moms Blog >>

desmoinesBreastfeeding Twins

I successfully breastfed my firstborn, but I would say that the two of us never got it quite right. We did okay, but we could have done better. I realized that when my second baby came along and made breastfeeding a breeze from the very first latch. I could nurse her in any setting and in any position. Her feeding times were always painless, peaceful, easy, and efficient; and she made me feel like a breastfeeding pro.

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Fort Worth Moms Blog >>

FWMB05-300x279Mission Possible: Breastfeeding

When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I knew nothing. NOTHING. I hadn’t been around babies in many, many years. I had no nieces, nephews or cousins to “practice” with. I had no friends with babies. I was going into this motherhood thing completely and totally blind. My husband was no help. To be honest, I’m not sure he even knew what a baby was…much less how to care for one.

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Houston Moms Blog >>

Breastfeeding-EssentialsBreastfeeding Essentials

With my first, I exclusively pumped for 9 months. With my second, I almost exclusively nursed her for the first 4 months with a bottle here and there, and then I nursed and pumped for a couple months after that – especially as I transitioned back to work. I remember feeling so overwhelmed about 3.5 years ago, right after my son was born. I also remember going straight to our series sponsor A Woman’s Work and spending hours there one morning while the lovely gals there walked me through the whole breastfeeding / pumping thing.

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Iowa City Moms Blog >>

iowacityBreastfeeding Advice To Ignore

Everyone seems to have an opinion about breastfeeding, whether they want you to do it, want you to do it differently, or want you to stop doing it. Sometimes those opinions are a wealth of helpful knowledge, but other times they are the judgmental whispers in your ear that make you feel like you’re failing.

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Jacksonville Moms Blog >>

Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery

There is a lot of literature on the subject of breastfeeding after all types of breast surgery (breast reduction, augmentation, and breast lift). Breastfeeding after breast surgery is possible. It is difficult to assess how well a women will breastfeed after surgery if she is a first time mom. Regardless of whether or not breast surgery has been performed, a first time mom may have difficulty breastfeeding. Because of this reason it is hard to assess if the difficulty is due to surgery or just an inexperienced mom. Let’s talk about these different procedures and how they affect the breast.

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Kansas City Moms Blog >>

kansascityPumping Tips and Tricks

Becoming a mother is life-changing. The second that sweet babe is born, you cannot imagine life without them by your side. The thought of leaving them for even a brief moment is heart-wrenching. Returning to work after a short maternity leave? Forget about it.

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Knoxville Moms Blog >>

Feeding-your-Baby-300x300Milky Smiles {Feeding Your Baby Series}

Breastfeeding my children has been one of the more emotionally-driven parenting decisions I’ve made. Before my son was born, I had decided that his nourishment would come – at least for the first six months of his life – solely from me. The same held true for my daughter. Thankfully, long-term exclusive breastfeeding works for my family, and for my body too. I nursed my son for 15 ½ months, gently weaning him when my husband and I decided we wanted to grow our family, and now, my 10 month old daughter and I are going strong. So, while I consider our breastfeeding journeys to be successful ones, the road to success was not an easy one.

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Madison Moms Blog >>

madisonNo More Crying Over Spilled Milk

I loved breastfeeding. I know many women feel differently, but after a painful learning process with my first son, I found the experience amazing. While pregnant with my third baby, the last baby we would have, I could not wait to hold her close and nurse her for many months to come.

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New Orleans Moms Blog >>

nolaThe ABCs of Nursing a Toddler: Attitudes, Benefits, and your Child

Let’s be real. If you’ve never nursed a toddler (i.e. someone who can toddle/walk around), then you probably have a hard time wrapping your mind around the notion. As someone who has nursed two toddlers, I’m on the opposite side. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around NOT nursing a toddler. Nursing a toddler is part of my definition of normal parenting as it’s part of my everyday life.

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North Phoenix Moms Blog >>

northphoenixTips For Nursing With Older Siblings

Just over a month ago we welcomed a new addition to our family, a beautiful little girl Claire. As we are adjusting to being a family of five, I couldn’t help but think back to when we transitioned from one child to two. I remember one of my biggest concerns was “What in the world am I going to do with my toddler while I’m feeding the baby?”

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Oklahoma City Moms Blog >>

Pump_bottleNursing: Not What I Expected

I remember sitting in the baby feeding class and hearing about how difficult breastfeeding would be. I definitely believed them and took notes on how it would take at least six weeks for it to be easy. Breastfeeding hadn’t even been a decision for me… I mean its free food that has so many benefits, why wouldn’t I breastfeed? I never truly understood HOW difficult it could be.

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Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog >>

lactation-cover-rectLactation Cookies

I was told about the cracking, flaking and general pain that is sometimes associated with breastfeeding, however I hadn’t planned on my milk supply running low. I thought, “As long as I am feeding her on demand, my body should know how much to make.” Well my daughter had a healthy appetite and sometimes I wasn’t consuming the nourishment I needed to produce her food.

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